I find myself imagining a lot. I try to put what I imagine into fruition when I can.
This year, as I turned 39 years of age, I decided to document my days beginning from day 1: turning 39, until day 365: turning 40 years old. This project consists of a photo a day coupled with a quote that inspires me. Each photograph, I have captured, and the quotes, I have collected. Both spark something in me. Along with this spark I have to admit that I have a difficult time turning the focal point on myself. I am a private person who struggles with social media and the like for various reasons. This project was something I thought up. A way to turn my camera lens toward myself by focusing on my own family and my own life, all of which, takes me completely out of my comfort zone. All of these aspects put together, my personal project was born.
Last year at this time I was very pregnant. My family and I anticipated our third baby. Her soon arrival was paired with our Halloween preparations. During this time we had our last "at home" midwife visit before her home birth. At this visit, both of my children heard their baby's heart beat while she was still on the inside of me. This beautiful memory is still very vivid. I think it will always be, making Halloween even more special. This Halloween was spent with our 11 month old baby (on the outside of me) outfitted as Yoda from Star Wars. My eldest, who chose to be Darth Vader, and my Son, an X-wing Fighter left my husband and I with the not-so-difficult choice to follow suit as Jedi's. We all had a ton of fun. I think I may have had the most fun! Halloween is certainly one of our favourite times of the year (maybe my favourite time).
I have posted a collection of my favourite images from this Halloween. I love the emotion a costume evokes for oneself and for the camera. I love taking photographs. As I continue this personal project it pushes me in ways I never imagined. I find that it is one of the more difficult tasks I have taken on. As personal projects usually are, I find, when it's just you, there is way more room for criticism and doubt. It's the very reason I think it's important to push yourself out of your comfort zone regularly. We get use to doing things a certain way and when you find yourself in an uncomfortable place, it's good to sit there for a while and see what happens instead of masking it or running from it.
I hope to read from you during this project.
Thank you for sharing your time with me on this journey of mine through photograph.
Love: Jo xoxoxox